The Important Role of a Body Corporate Manager
Posted by apm on January 29, 2025 | Body Corporate, Company News, News

We outline a few ways a Body Corporate Manager is a valuable addition to the management of a Body Corporate.
Body Corporate Managers play an important role in the smooth management and administration of a Body Corporate. If you live in a Body Corporate, or you are a member of a Body Corporate Committee, then you may have considered enlisting the help of a Body Corporate Manager. We outline below a few ways a Body Corporate Manager is a valuable addition to the management of a Body Corporate.
What does a Body Corporate Manager do?
A Body Corporate Manager, once appointed by a Body Corporate Committee/Developer completes a range of duties and administrative tasks and also takes instructions from the Committee. If your Body Corporate has more than 10 units, you must engage the services of a Body Corporate Manager (unless opted out by Special Resolution).
Some tasks include:
- Organising Annual General Meetings and sending out minutes
- Record keeping
- Handling money on behalf of the Body Corporate and its members.
- Arranging insurance
- Liaising with contractors on works required
- Organising emergency repairs
- Raising and collecting levies
- Liaising with owners on any issues that arise
- Collaborating with the Committee (if there is one)
- Budgeting and Financial assistance
- Long Term Maintenance planning
- Management of Operational Rules
It’s important to note that a Body Corporate Manager has no power to make decisions for a Body Corporate, but they can be instructed to carry out tasks/duties by a Committee or Chairperson. If there is no Body Corporate Manager, then a Committee is required to perform the above duties.
Keeping up with Legislation
With many changes in Body Corporate related legislation over the past few years, a professional Boyd Corporate manager ensures that the Committee adheres to their responsibilities as outlined in the UTA, as well as adhering to their own code of conduct and responsibilities also outlined in the UTA.
Unit Titles Act 2010, the Unit Titles Regulations 2011, and the Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Government and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2022
Every year all unit title owners will be invited to attend an Annual General Meeting (AGM), or an Extraordinary Meeting (EGM) if something needs to be agreed on. This is where budgets, financials and resolutions are made or finalised by those that attend. The Committee is voted on at AGMs, and they are an opportunity for owners to raise issues/vote on decisions. You can attend these meetings online, in-person, or by proxy. A Body Corporate Manager’s role is to administrate the meetings and ensure accurate recording of minutes.
Long Term Maintenance Planning and Funds
This is a big one and an important aspect of managing a Body Corporate. A long-term Maintenance plan (LTMP) is a schedule of maintenance and repairs for a property/building over a number of years.
Legislation changes state all Bodies Corporate must have a LTMP that covers at least 10 years. Large unit title (over 10 units) must have a LTMP that covers 30 years. A Body Corporate must establish and maintain a long-term maintenance fund (LTMF) (unless the Body Corporate by special resolution decides not to have one) and determine the level of funding. A Manager will ensure that a Body Corporate develops a Long Term Maintenance Plan in accordance with legislation and plans for funds in the budget.
As professional Body Corporate Managers, we have it all covered for you and your Body Corporate property. There isn’t many situations our experienced and knowledgeable Body Corporate Managers haven’t seen. If we can provide specialist and tailored service to your Body Corporate, then we would love to hear from you.