Sue Su

Contact Details

M: 021 772 842
E: [email protected]

Sue Su

Property Manager

Sue has lived in Auckland for over 20 years and has a highly educated background with qualifications in International Business and Architecture. With seven years of working experience in the Real Estate industry also, Sue knows properties well including the structure and materials of a house.

Sue is motivated, tenacious, organised, problem solving oriented, and she firmly believes that her focus is ‘all about the customer’. She will always put herself in the client’s shoes so that she can understand the client’s needs better, and as a result, she is able to solve conflicts and issues that have arisen as soon as possible.

Aside from her industry knowledge, Sue can speak both Mandarin and English fluently and loves communicating with people on a daily basis. Sue believes effective communication is the key. Property management is not only about managing the property, but also managing the relationship between landlords and tenants.

Sue 是一位拥有多重房地产专业资质的物业管理经理。

她拥有超过十年的房地产行业经验,不但对新西兰房地产交易和管理有着精准的把握,更为难得的是她还具备国际商务和建筑画图师资格,能够随时为客户提供最为专业的建筑及地产建议与帮助。Sue 珍视客户关系,始终设身处地为客户着想,这在解决和排除潜在的冲突的时候,能最大限度地满足业主和租客的双方利益。



‘We will definitely give referral for you to our friends in Auckland about your service.’ – Owner

‘Thank you for your supporting us( family ) all the time and we tell our family, friends about how blessings we have to be your customers, their service number 1, communication number 1 too.’ – Tenant